The Center for Holocaust, Genocide, and 

Human Rights ​Education of North Carolina 

Holocaust Speakers Bureau 

Traveling Exhibits

Traveling Exhibits (sponsored by the NC Council on the Holocaust)

The NC Council on the Holocaust provides traveling exhibits at no cost to public libraries and middle and high schools across North Carolina.

  • ​Life After Survival: UNRRA and Child Survivors after World War II. This exhibit of fifteen panels focuses on the relief efforts for child Holocaust survivors provided by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) in the Kloster Indersdorf children's DP center near Dachau, Germany. 
  • Fences, Walls, and Butterflies. Children Confront the Holocaust through Art. Fifteen framed panels (15"x25" & 30"x25") present art work created by Israeli students at the Yad Layeled art workshop, with text panels on the educational approach of the Yad Layeled Children's Museum. 
  • Dr. Seuss Wants You!: The Political Cartoons of Dr. Seuss, 1941-1942. This exhibit consists of fourteen panels, each of which highlights one Seuss political cartoon against fascism, anti-Semitism, and bigotry, published in PM, a New York daily newspaper.
  • Faces of Resistance: Women in the Holocaust. This exhibit highlights thirty-two women, exploring the human aspects of women and their life in the ghettos, camps, woods and rescue operations while constantly under threat of annihilation. Created by the Moreshet Holocaust Research and Study Centre at Givat Haviva in Israel.
  • Triumph of Life. A 2003 exhibit commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, this display consists of 44 panels (15.5" x 22.5") that depict Jewish resistance to Nazi oppression and feature individual stories of survivors. 
  • The Kindertransport Journey: Memory Into History. This exhibit consists of seventeen panels of photos, personal testimony, and historical background. Each school that sponsors the exhibit receives teacher packets and a free copy of the video Into the Arms of Strangers for its library (download the teacher's guide from this site).


As part of the NC Council on the Holocaust's Suitcase Project, we currently can offer teachers two collections of materials and artifacts related to the Holocaust: the Diaries of Children Suitcase (view inventory) and the Survival Story of Susan Cernyak-Spatz Suitcase (view inventory). Click here to download the request form.