Allen, Andree and Larry Kodack (In honor of Laura Flicker)
Abram, Adam and Rosalind
Ackerman, Jim and Aud
Alter, Robert and Shari
Anonymous (In honor of the important work of Lex Silbiger)
Asriel, Mary
Austin, Leah
Axelbank, Arthur
Bailin, Robin and Chip & Bernice Bender (In memory of Esther Lederman)
Bartelmay, Kathleen and Perilstein, Roger (In honor of Sharon Halperin)
Baruch, Howard
Belitsky, Catherine
Benjamin, Mara (In memory of Elizabeth Mills)
Berley, Lisa (In memory of Rabbi Aaron Rabinowitz)
Bernard, Shula and Stephen
Beth El Synagogue
Bielawski, Bart and Sue
Bielawski, Mark
Bolton, Robert and Dorothy
Bouck, Christine
Branden, Pennie
Brody, David
Brown, Steven and Sally (In honor of Esther Lederman)
Burton, Carma
Cain, Thomas
Carolina Friends of the Foreign Service
Carawan, Heather
Central Carolina Community College
Celenza, Diana
Chaiken, Barbara in honor of her children
Chouake Foundation (In honor of the excellent work of Sharon and Dr. Edward Halperin who are devoted to the education of the Holocaust. We wish you much success.)
Coonin, Bryna
Corsbie, Joseph
Culbreth Middle School (Joel Smith, Teacher)
The Cypress of Raleigh (in honor of Bonnie Hauser and Sheldon Bleiweiss)
Davidai, Michaela
Davie Poplar Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution
Delciotto, Christian and Summer
Dubose, Anna
Dworsky, Phyllis
Dzau, Ruth
Eastman, Joan and Edward
Eisner, Allison
Emerald Pond
ExxonMobil Retiree Club of Central NC
Fearrington Havurah
Feldman, Rabbi Jennifer
Ferris, Marcie
Fink, Mark (In memory of Edit and Fritz Laser)
Fink, Renee
Finkel, Sue
Fishman, George and Sue
AM and Ruth Z Fleishman Foundation
Flicker, Laura
Freeman, Stephanie
Friedman, Judith Charitable Fund (In honor of Rose Mills)
Garber, Benjamin and Laura Landerman-Garber
Gassner, Joseph
Geiger, Ricki
General James Moore DAR Chapter
Ginsburg, Alan and Barbara
Gold, Lewis and Alice (In memory of Pfc. Aaron Dreizin and all verterans who have served our country and given their lives for peace)
Goldstein, Adam and Beth (In honor of Sharon Halperin and Esther Lederman)
Goldstein, Susan
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Gordon, Alan and Barbara
Gordon, Mark
Grant, Adrian and Ilene (In honor of Sharon Halperin)
Green, Morton and Rita
Greene, Henry and Marilyn Telen
Griffith, Anne and Carl (In honor of Esther Lederman's 95th birthday)
Goodrich, Nathalie (In honor of Esther Lederman's 95th birthday)
Gordan, Dana in honor of Ruth Gordon
Gutman, Robert and Laura
Guy, Daniel and Racquel
Halperin, Sharon and Ed
Harnett Central Middle School
Harrington, Philip and Gwynneth
Harris, Carroll and Josephine
Hartman, Marilyn
Hauptman, Martha (In memory of Marianne Roberts)
Hayer, Sheldon
Haynes, Carol
Head, Suzanne (In honor of Esther Lederman's 95th birthday)
Hertz, Ethan and Victoria
Herz, Ilene and Jerry. (In memory of Lottie Wertheim, mother of Maureen Wertheim)
Hibbard, Ken and Nora
Hoffman, Sheri (In honor of Sharon Halperin)
Hogan, Jane and Chris
Holocaust Educators Network
Horwitz, Deborah (In memory of Ellen Fertel Winstin)
Israel, Betty
Iverson, Harry
Jewish Heritage Foundation of North Carolina
Kadish, Alan and Connie
Kakovitz, Audrey
Kane, Lynne (In memory of Marianne Roberts)
Kane, Lynne (In memory of Esther Lederman)
Kaplan, Stuart
Kaufman, Leslie
Kozak Family Foundation
Kraft, Deidre and Robert (In honor of Shelly Bleiweiss)
Kudler, Harold and Susan
Lachenauer, Miriam (In honor of Renee Fink)
Landsberger, Henry (In honor of Annie Winters Landsberger)
Lanford, Michael and Heidi
Lederman, Esther
Lederman, Michael and Sharmon Sollitto (n honor of Esther Lederman)
Lederman, Robert (in honor of Esther Lederman)
Lee County Genealogical Society
Leiff, Susi and Artie Axelbank (In honor of Sharon and Ed Halperin)
Leibel, Kevin and Ann (In honor of Esther Lederman)
Leibel, Sylvia (In honor of Esther Lederman's 95th birthday)
Levinsohn, Hunter and Jay
Levy, Stanley
Levitt, Marc
Lichtenstein, Moshe
Lieberman, Erica (In memory of Elizabeth Mills)
Lilly Endowment
Link, Florence
Lipsitz, Joan
Liss, Jason and Ilana Osten (In memory of the Dachau ashes buried on May 25, 2014, Durham NC)
Long, Deborah
Long, Jennifer
Luberoff, Nancy and Bruce Boehm (In memory of Eric and Dorette Boehm)
Maia Szulik Holocaust Education Fund in Honor of Marianne Roberts
Marcus, Julie (in honor of Sheldon Bleiweiss)
Margolin, Constance
Mark and Anna Ruth Hasten Family Foundation
Marks, Judith and Arthur (In honor of Rabbi Polak and Martha Hauptman)
Marks, Larry and Caryn Hertz
Masse, Selena (In honor of Henry Landsberger)
Matthews, Betty
Mayer, Selma
McDougle Middle School PTA (via Heather Bochicco)
McIntyre, Jessie
Meglin, Diane & Bruce Korn
Mele, Virginia
Meyers, Eric and Carol
Mills Family Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
Mills, Rose and Jeff Collins (In memory of David Mills)
Mintzer, Melanie (In memory of Ilona Fuchs)
Moss, Lynda
Moulder, Evie
Munn, Sheba
Myers, Hal and Nora
New Hope Church of the Christian and Missionary Alliance
New Sharon United Methodist Church (In honor of Bonnie Hauser)
North Carolina Council on the Holocaust
O'Leary, Alison and Bryan
Onypchuk, Lana
Ott, Bill
Paige, Peter and Virginia
Pake, Wendy and Lee
Parker, Edy
Parkey, Jamie
Patrick, Kerri
Shipman, Paul (In honor of Sharon Halperin)
Person County Library
Peyser Charitable Fund
Phay, Robert and Jean
Phillips, Karen (In memory of Elizabeth Mills)
Polak, Joseph
Poleski, Barbara and Martin
Prosnitz, Leonard and Beatrice
Rabbi Steve and Sabina Sager (In honor of Sharon and Edward Halperin for all of the community work they do)