The Center for Holocaust, Genocide, and 

Human Rights ​Education of North Carolina 

Holocaust Speakers Bureau 

The Penny Daum Aldrich Annual Holocaust Essay Contest

The Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Community Foundation’s Holocaust Essay Contest is made possible by

The Penny Daum Aldrich Endowment Fund for Holocaust Remembrance.

The Holocaust Remembrance Essay Contest is held annually for students. The Jewish Community Foundation and the Jewish Federation of Durham-Chapel Hill are committed to promoting Holocaust awareness among young people in the Carolinas, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. In sponsoring the Holocaust Essay Contest, it is our intention to inspire students to learn about the Holocaust and to think about the implications of it in their lives and their world.

The winners ​receive a monetary prize.

2021 Winning Essay:

Student’s Name: Emma Carricato
Essay Title: A Child’s Story of the Holocaust (click here to read)
School: Doby’s Bridge Elementary in Fort Mills, SC
Teacher: Beverly DePaola

Grade: 5th

​More information on essay guidelines can be found here:

Essay Contests

If you have information on regional or national essay contests

relevant to our mission, please contact Sharon Halperin at: .​